type: all

Returns the balance array of all users.



Required headers:

auth: '',
encrypt: '',
type: '',
  • auth - API Key.

  • encrypt - Encryption Key.

  • type - Request type (In this case, it should be set to all).

Example headers:

auth: '',
encrypt: '',
type: 'all',


data: array,
err: boolean,
  • data - Array of all users.

  • err - If true, an invalid request is sent; if false, everything succeeds.

Example output:

data: [
    "ID": "823254853295669268",
    "data": 554
    "ID": "778695412105740328",
    "data": 666
    "ID": "695546095253848145",
    "data": 554
err: false,
  • ID - Discord user ID.

  • data - User balance.

Last updated